Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
Top reasons to upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
Assemble and customize document packages
Leverage the new, easy-to-use interface to combine, assemble, and customize one
or more pages from files — including drawings, project schedules, forms,
presentations, and rich media content — in a single, searchable Adobe® PDF
package. Maintain individual security settings and digital signatures within
each PDF document in the package.
Manage real-time shared reviews
Easily conduct shared reviews in real time that allow participants to see one
another's comments and track the status of the review. No IT assistance is
required since reviews can be conducted through network folders, WebDAV, or
Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader®
Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8) to fill and
save electronic forms offline and digitally sign documents.
Enjoy comprehensive review and markup tools
Take advantage of improved pan, zoom, and loupe viewing. Leverage callouts,
clouds, freehand pencil, and other efficient markup, commenting, and measurement
tools. Gain precise snap-to-point measurement and enhanced measurement
annotation features plus the ability to enable or disable embedded scale during
PDF file creation, preventing measurement by downstream users. Apply watermarks
and headers and footers. Rotate standard, dynamic, and custom stamps.
Perform batch PDF file creation from AutoCAD®
Create compact, accurate batch Adobe PDF files up to 80% faster from AutoCAD
files, folders, or Sheet Sets. Increase efficiency by saving complex batch
assembly instructions for future use.
Convert DWG files to Adobe PDF documents without AutoCAD
Convert DWG files to Adobe PDF documents without having AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT
installed on your computer. The resulting Adobe PDF file contains searchable
text, scale, layer support, and page layout information.
Create intelligent Adobe PDF documents from AutoCAD 2007
Convert DWG and DST files to Adobe PDF documents by simply clicking the Acrobat®
8 Professional PDFMaker icon in AutoCAD. Acrobat 8 Professional provides
integrated support for AutoCAD 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.
Auto-recognize form fields
Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to
interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using Adobe
Reader (version 7.0 or 8).
Instantly collaborate online
Hold a real-time meeting or deliver training via online personal meeting rooms
to enhance project collaboration using Acrobat Connect™ software. Communicate
with geographically dispersed colleagues, customers, and clients in real time
with one-button screen sharing and live video. (Acrobat Connect is available at
an additional cost.)