Liquidware Labs
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B1UP-PROFA)
Starting at
$41.79incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B3UP-PROFA)
Starting at
$53.53incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp with Maintenance 1yr 25+ user (LWL-FLEXAPP-1)
Starting at
$102.43incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX with Maintenance 1 Year (LWL-SP4-1)
Starting at
$102.43incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B1UP-SP41)
Starting at
$104.56incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp with Maintenance & 24x7 (LWL-FLEXAPP-1-24X7)
Starting at
$122.96incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX with Maintenance & (LWL-SP4-1-24X7)
Starting at
$122.96incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp with Maintenance 3yr 25+ user (LWL-FLEXAPP-3)
Starting at
$131.20incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX with Maintenance 3yr 25+ (LWL-SP4-3)
Starting at
$131.20incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B3UP-SP41)
Starting at
$133.77incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity FlexApp with (LWL-PRO-FLEX-1)
Starting at
$165.16incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle Upgrade to (LWL-CON-UP-FLEX-B1)
Starting at
$167.29incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp with Maintenance & 24x7 (LWL-FLEXAPP-3-24X7)
Starting at
$180.37incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX with Maintenance & (LWL-SP4-3-24X7)
Starting at
$180.37incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp Concurrent with (LWL-CON-FLEXAPP-1)
Starting at
$186.09incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX Concurrent (LWL-CON-SP41-1)
Starting at
$186.09incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity FlexApp with (LWL-PRO-FLEX-1-24X7)
Starting at
$198.18incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle with (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B1)
Starting at
$206.98incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs ProfileUnity FlexApp with (LWL-PRO-FLEX-3)
Starting at
$211.50incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp Concurrent with (LWL-CON-FLEXAPP-1-24X7)
Starting at
$223.27incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX Concurrent with (LWL-CON-SP41-1-24X7)
Starting at
$223.27incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs FlexApp Concurrent with (LWL-CON-FLEXAPP-3)
Starting at
$238.27incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs Stratusphere UX Concurrent (LWL-CON-SP41-3)
Starting at
$238.27incl. GST
3 days from order
Liquidware Labs VDI Essentials Bundle with (LWL-VDI-FLEX-B1-24X7)
Starting at
$248.40incl. GST
3 days from order